THR Chapter 70: VS Lela Sakaguchi, Part one.

Side: Morishita Daiki.

“It seems you’ve overdid it. What’s the result?”

In the deep mountains of Hakone’s decrepit shinto shrine I asked Abeno-senpai.

“At any rate, it has become amazing. It’s a perfect finish, no joking.”

“Are you sure it’s not your usual bravado?”

“Yes, just bring on any spear, guns or even fully armed Lela Sakaguchi!”

I nodded.

“You’ve done a good job.”

And, Abeno-senpai nodded too.

“I’ll definitely stop Lela Sakaguchi!”

“The two of us will definitely bring them back…”

Side: Lela Sakaguchi

I’m staying in Hakone’s Inn.

After taking a bath, I don a yukata and drank tea at the window.

While eating tea cakes I look to the evening’s sky.

And then I let out one long sigh.

I parted with the other half.


I had cut off the irreplaceable person from the time of my childhood, Morishita Daiki.

It hurts so much like my heart would burst and I feel a sense of loss like a gaping hole is left.

But… so I think.

These 9 years I obtained important people.

Always caring about this foolish me and if it’s for my sake they would readily throw their lives.

I was able to meet such foolish and crazy caring people.

That’s why, I’ll protect the other remaining half. Even if it costs me my life…

And the phone rang.


It was from the holy knight Linford.

“Won’t you talk with me for a bit while enjoying the evening’s wind with the meaning to deepen our friendship?”

“I’m sorry but, I don’t even have the slightest intention to be friendly with you.”

“Understood. Then, let me rephrase it. This is an order. There’s no problem thinking it as Vatican’s will.”

In a corner in Hakone’s hot spring district.

I entered a bar and blond-haired Linford with precise movements was shaking a china blue cocktail.

“So what is it? I have to dispatch after 1 hour, however? Rather, in the first place, isn’t it better for you to go without leaving it to me who’s like a small-fry?”

“Well, I thought that we should have an honest conversation about a lot of things.”

“Honest conversation?”

“Did you know about the new type of bomb experiment that happened in the Pacific Ocean a while back?”

I also went off-the record to check upon the place a while back and there was a thunderstorm left behind.

The one who did it was probably him. Probably… when he came he did a test firing or something.

“No, I don’t know it.”

“And then at the ritual of the Nine-Tails revival… Certainly, there was an error in the time of the revival…”

I gulped and felt cold sweat on my back.

This guy… Did he perhaps notice it?

“So, what’s wrong there? I did hear from a report that the revival time is wrong, but…? Don’t tell me that a local exorcist like Abeno Kaguya defeated the Nine-Tails or something? It’s too nonsense.”

“Oh? It’s strange, isn’t it?”


“I haven’t said one thing about the Nine-Tails being defeated by a local? Why did the talk suddenly became about a high school girl defeating the Nine-Tails?”


Linford smiled like he saw through everything.

“This seems to be a bit malicious. Lela-san? I’ll speak frankly. The new bomb type experiment and then the Nine-Tails case… I’ve figured it out.”


“It’s the hero… isn’t it?”

Cold sweat was running down my back like a waterfall.

“Hero? What’s that?”

“The new bomb type experiment and Nine-Tails case… Then there is that boy. The Vatican isn’t aware of this still. In the first place the Vatican doesn’t know of the other world, too.”

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“Secretive, aren’t you?”


“I’m also an other world returnee. That’s why I’ve also guessed what kind of existence you are. Was it… vampires and heavenly people? You were lucky to have been successfully recognized as a miracle by the Vatican. “

“I have no clue what you’re going on about.”

“How far do you intend to be secretive. Well, putting that aside.”


“At any rate, it’s concerning.”


“It’s troubling if the other world becomes known to the Vatican. Becoming aware of such a world where you can easily obtain immeasurable strength to upset the power balance…”

“What are you trying to say?”

“I’ve plans to climb to the top in the Vatican. I’ll be troubled if the whole Vatican doesn’t stay weak until then.”


“At the start I was thinking that I should delete you. But, the Vatican for some reason has recognized you that you have extraordinary value.”

“I myself don’t understand much about it but it seems like it. They’ve given me the Longinus and they haven’t rebuked even if it’s used freely.”

“That’s why, erasing you for the time being is not beneficial. As for me moving without knowing clearly what’s the relationship between you and the Vatican is a poor plan.”


“I’ll monitor all of your actions from here on. And then, the temporary hero of the other world… If uncertain elements enter in my plan then I’ll monitor them.”


“I did say it just now, It’s bad for me to move without understanding the situation. If there’s a friendly relationship with uncertain elements or not… Well, I’ll leave it aside as long as you people don’t leak out information about the other world to the Vatican or organizations in the darkness.”

Right now, I’ve immediately concluded that the contact between Morishita Daiki and Linford would not go smoothly.

Even at the previous farewell, he probably also guessed that I’ve sought help from Morishita Daiki.

No, I may fear that it’s likely that.

At any rate, it doesn’t seem like I’ve made a mistake at that time when I didn’t seek help from Morishita Daiki.

And, I hope he doesn’t intrude this time…

“I didn’t understand at all what you talked about however, is that all?”

“The situation looks like two sly people trying to outmaneuver each other.”

He smiled and then hit his palm.

“Aah, there’s one more thing. After this mission you’re guardians will be sent to Africa.”


“Yes, they’ll be doing spiritual security operation in a conflict zone. In that area there are shamans in the public… The situation is chaotic.”

“So will I also go to Africa? Good grief… Your usage of your subordinates is rough.”

“No, you’ll continue to be under my supervision.”

“What do you mean?”

“I made a proposal to the Vatican. For them not to give overwhelming power to you…”

“So to separate me and my guardians?”

“Originally there wasn’t need for all of you to be here. But, the Vatican is abnormally fixated upon you. And, your knowledge of the otherworld is very dangerous. Well, you can think of it as me taking hostages.”

“…Hostages? You’re taking the Guardians as a shield?”

“I’d like you to keep silent for me about the other world… And, become my right hand and do your best for my climb to the top in the Vatican from now on.”

“And if perhaps I disobey your words?”

“Then to the conflict zone you’ll be sent. In zones like that there are unexpected accidents that take your life. There are already a considerable number of proteges with similar situations like you under me. Naturally, they have the power to go to Africa or any country as thugs and assassinate people at my green light.”


Linford was happily smiling.

“Your complexion is pale, is there something wrong?”

“For the time being, I’ll execute this mission perfectly.”

I said only that much and then I stood up and left the bar.

And then I returned to the Inn wobbling.


  1. Reaper Phoenix · January 24, 2020

    Thanks 4 the chapter!

    Turns out he’s just an ass that needs to be killed as slowly and painfully as possible.


  2. Rov · January 24, 2020

    Dead definitely. Abeno ???


  3. Krauz ™ · January 25, 2020

    Thanks for the chapter!
    What a guy..
    He is thinking that his current skill can actually overpower the hero who have activates multiple skills just for one action.
    Ha! He’s dead for sure.


    • Kai · January 25, 2020

      Unfortunately the current Daiki have a little mana left. I hope Daiki manage to find a charger place other than shrines.


  4. Dbastor · January 25, 2020

    Gracias por el capítulo.
    Espero ver el desenvolvimiento de este arco y ver cómo le parte la cara a este imbécil.


  5. Gren · February 14, 2020

    Thank you for the chapter!
    “Naturally, they have the power to go to Afrika or any country as thugs and assassinate people at my green light.”
    Afrika -> Africa


  6. MANGA Lover · April 13, 2020

    Now tell me, if the Hero could fucking kill the Demon King, why wouldn’t he be able to fucking kill this guy? So what if he reflects the damage and whatnot, would the Demon King really not have some as or more absurd than that?


  7. Max · December 27, 2020

    So why didn’t morishita tell her to bring along a bunch of mana potions?


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