HS Chapter 62: The hopeless sister has her belongings confiscated.

Swimming in the ocean, summer festivals, astronomical observations, bbq and etc— As if to make up for the time since we won’t get to see each other in class due to the fact that we are usually in different classes, we spent most of the days getting flirting with each other and it was a fun and enjoyable summer vacation in August.

That summer vacation ended in a flash, and today is the start of a new school term.

“—- Now, students. As you already know, today’s homeroom is going to be an inspection of your belongings. Please take everything from your bags and put it on your desks.”


The homeroom teacher came to the classroom to greet all of us students who were excited about the new school term and instructed us to do so after a brief greeting.

Even though it is September, the lingering summer heat is still intense, and there are probably many students who are still in the summer vacation mood. In order to tighten up this mood before the start of classes, the school always conducts a personal belongings inspection on the first day of the new school term.

So. Following the teacher’s instructions, my classmates all straightforwardly remove the contents of their bags and place them on their desks.

“… Okay, okay. Seems like everyone got it right. Splendidly done. Now, I’d like to get started on the inspection of your belongings… Before that, Tachibana Mako. Can I have a word with you?”

“…? Ah, yes. What is it, teacher?”

Like my friends, I’ve been arranging the things in my bag neatly so that the teacher can easily see them…. And then for some reason the teacher calls me out.

Fumu? I wonder why I’m being called out before the inspection. 

“I need a favor from you as a member of ‘Seijokai’. Before I start the inspection, I’d like you to explain why it is done… Won’t you explain it to everyone?”
“The reason for inspection, is it? Etto… That’s right.”

The volunteer club that Koma and I belong to——  ‘Seijokai,’ where in addition to working as a temporary student council, members of it sometimes stand at the school gate to check students’ clothes and greet them…. If you ask me, the teachers will make you do work like the public health committee. Apparently, this is part of that work as well.

The teacher ordered me to stand at the podium, and after some thought, I decided to give a brief answer about the purpose of the personal belongings inspection.

“It’s that, isn’t it? To make sure that we students don’t bring anything we don’t need for our studies… It’s also a preventive measure to avoid unnecessary problems between students. And then… It’s also an educational measure to follow the rules when you go outside in society… And so on?”

The main purpose of a student is to study, and it’s not good to bring something that disrupts their concentration. Also… If you bring something expensive and it gets stolen or something, you’ll have a lot of problems…

“Umu, correct. This is a very nice model answer, unlike the usual Tachibana, who is usually an unserious, immoral, impure, and unprecedented problem child.”

When I answered that, my homeroom teacher nodded widely and praised my explanation…

I think my teacher added an extra word or two or three, but maybe I’m imagining it.

“It’s as you say. It’s a social learning experience… And to prevent problems, don’t bring anything you don’t need for class. It’s a natural thing to do, right, Tachibana?”
“Yes, teacher. It’s just common sense!”

“That’s right, it’s common sense. Teacher is very happy that you seem to understand this.”

“Oh my, praising me this much.”

The teacher and I nodded at each other and laughed *Hahaha*. I never thought I’d get this much praise from my teacher when school had just started… I’m happy to say that we have a very good start into the new school term.

“Now… Now with that as the basis, I have a question for Tachibana.”
“Hm? You still have more for me, teacher?”

We were laughing at each other when the teacher grabbed me by the shoulders—- While she’s already asking me, she grabs me so tightly that my shoulders feel like they’re going to shatter and asks me like that. (TN: Yuri novel, teacher must be a she until actually proven.)

“Aah, in a certain sense this is the main question. So let me hear it, Tachibana…——

(*Whack*) All those items that you’ve brought to school… Are they okay by bringing them into school….!”

After all that smiling and laughing, all of a sudden my teacher with veins showing on her temple, slaps my desk forcefully and points to the items on it and verbally attacks me. What’s with you all of a sudden, teacher? Are you having a temper?

“Yes, naturally. All of the items are necessary, teacher.”

In contrast to the teacher, I answer quietly and calmly, with my chest upheld high. Because there’s nothing to confiscate.

The teacher seemed to be unhappy with my dignified attitude and asked me again, shaking her hand.

“… Nice guts you have there. You seem to be full of confidence… You say these items that you brought are unworthy of confiscation… I’m sure you’ve prepared a proper excuse that I can accept…? Yeeah?”

“Naturally. I’ll explain everything to you, my teacher.”

Hence. The discussion between me and my teacher, ‘First item: Should it get confiscated or not’ will now be held here.

“Then first of all, what’s with the multiple digital cameras, Tachibana Mako? You don’t need them at school at all.”

The first thing my teacher pointed to were five digital cameras with recording capabilities. Well, it’s not like I can use them in class, and if such expensive items were to be stolen or broken, I could cause trouble in the school.

Under that pretext, it might be understandable for my teacher to count it as items to be confiscated….

“Not at all, I need them. If I don’t have them, I won’t be able to snea—- I won’t be able to record Koma’s daily life.”

“Right now, were you about to say sneak photography, Tachibana?

As her older sister, it’s my duty to watch my little sis grow up from the shadows and record every moment of her life in an album”. As you see, a digital camera is necessary.

“…. Well, leaving the digital cameras aside. No, they’re not good either but compared to the rest of your items they’re somewhat passable…… What the hell are you going to use tear spray and a stun gun on? No matter how you look at it, they look completely unnecessary in school.”

With a furrowed brow, my teacher then pointed to anti-stalker goods such as tear gas spray and stun gun. These ones are also not supposed to be used in class… In fact, they’re probably not even used in everyday life a lot.

 It may be inevitable that my teacher recognizes them as items for confiscation because they are a bit dangerous and could get you in trouble with the police if you misuse them.

“These are repellents for insects that get close to Koma. Without them, Koma is in danger.”

“By all accounts, the teacher thinks you’re more dangerous than anyone else, but…”

In and out of school, bad insects will cling to my Koma if I’m not careful. That’s why I can’t let go of my tear gas spray(insecticide) or electroshock(insecticide) stun gun. Basically, I can say these are a necessity.

“…… Well, If I think the tear gas spray and other such products are just merely tools for preventing trouble, I might understand… No, no matter how I see it, it’s going to be over-defense, but I’m not sure about them yet…… Okay, what is that mysterious thing over there, Tachibana. What the hell do you want with this thing?”

With a slightly tired look on her face, my teacher finally pointed to a slightly bulky machine that looked like an old-fashioned cell phone. In all accounts, it’s probably not something I’d need for school, and it’s probably not even obvious to the untrained eye what it is in the first place.

It may be quite natural that my teacher would see this as another item for confiscation, but… It’s definitely not, my teacher.

“It’s a wireta—- No, excuse me. It’s a walkie-talkie in case something happens to Koma. With this, I can listen to the voice of Koma at any time through the walkie-talkie attached to Koma, and I can also easily get the current location of Koma. Basically, it’s the most necessary item out of all here, my teacher!”

“Oi, wait right there, Tachibana, how dare you plant something so awful against your own little sister, you crazy…”

Naturally, I haven’t told this to Koma… For example, in case Koma gets lost or is kidnapped by someone, I’ve sneaked in her uniform, shoes, or the bottom of her bag… And then there are tiny GPS transmitters attached all over her, including the pendant I gave her.

That’s why I have this wireta—– That’s not it, with my walkie-talkie, I can see where Koma is and what she’s doing in real time, anytime, anywhere. What else could be more essential? Nothing, right.

“Ey, teacher. Does the teacher know?It’s sad to say that these days, there is no end to the number of thefts, assaults, abductions, indecent assaults, and other malicious crimes against women and children. Even on the best days that we are living, as you all know, Koma is very… very cute. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a hundred or two hundred of them who were so taken by her cuteness that they turned into stalkers.”


“This means that Koma is more likely to be targeted by criminals than others. I can never be too careful on her way to the school, on the street, or even in the school! …. That’s why, the one who can protect my beloved little sis Koma… at home, on the way to school, on the street, and even in school, there is no one better than me, Mako Tachibana, who is next to Koma anytime, anywhere!”


“Then, how do I protect Koma? …. I’m not proud of it, but I’m a weak girl(?) with no athletic ability. Even if I stand up to a grown-up to protect Koma, I’ll probably end up getting beaten back… That’s why! Tools like this exist!”

I make a strong case to the teacher like I’m seeking for approval. From the middle of my speech, the teacher doesn’t interrupt me, and for some reason, she just listens to my speech in silence while being confused.

“.For example, if I have these digital cameras, I can use them from good morning to goodnight for lew—- Nothing. I can gently watch over the growth of Koma and record her daily growth…. With tear gas and a stun gun, even the thugs who target my Koma will be easily taken care of♡ Even if Koma is kidnapped by someone, with this walkie-talkie, I can chase them to the ends of hell and bring Koma! …. (*Mumble*) And while I’m at it, I can also secretly listen in on the happy and embarrassing daily conversations of Koma….!”


“Well, it’s as I explained. All these things I have are essential and necessary to protect Koma! Therefore… These are not all items for confiscation, so there is nothing wrong with bringing them to school. Do you understand me, teacher?”

I ask the teacher to double-check one last time. Fuu… Even if I say so myself, I argued perfectly.

I’m sure that the teacher understood my feelings as an older sister and my personal belongings were not worthy of confiscation.

In response to my expectant confirmation, the teacher let out a sigh so loudly that I thought her lungs would pop out of her mouth, and then said.

“…. I see, I finally understood.”
“I’m glad to hear it. I’m happy that you understand me.”
“Yeah, I understand well… I’ve come to understand that you are an unprecedentedly stupid, useless, perverted stalker, Tachibana…!”


The teacher says to me in a low voice with a mixture of anger, contempt, and dismay, with a muddy tone that seems to come from the depths of the earth. Eeeh… Eeeh?

“Obviously, I’ll confiscate everything, you idiot.”
“Why!? Are you an idiot!? …. In the meantime, show up at the student guidance office later, Tachibana. For the sake of Tachibana’s little sister, I have to educate you well, or else a lot of things will go wrong. Because her hopeless sister in her family is the most dangerous than an unknown stalker she hasn’t seen yet.”

Just like that, ruthlessly and mercilessly, she didn’t give me any time for me to explain myself again. The teacher put all of my important personal belongings that I had on my desk into a box marked ‘Confiscated Items’.

No, you’re lying right, wait a bit… Please wait for me, my beloved teacher….! I can assure you I’d never misuse them…!?

“Now, everyone. I’m sorry you had to wait so long. Let’s ignore this hopeless sister and start inspecting your belongings.”

“My cool, stylish, nice teacher-sama! Let me explain myself! Please give me a chance to explain myself once more! Please don’t take them away….! Please don’t! Please listen to me…. Waaaaaiiit!?”

I clung desperately to the teacher’s back and pleaded with her, but there was nothing I could do, and she dragged me away and moved on to inspect the other students’ belongings.


  1. gianthoneybee · November 18, 2021

    No matter what, I don’t think a teacher should talk to their students like that.


    • Mr.Nobody · November 18, 2021

      Hmm, it’s more or less a cliche for comedy. In the context of the novel.


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